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2018 Goals

Happy New Year everyone! Sure, it's January 11th but thats okay ;) Is anyone else like me and need about a week after January 1st comes to really get motivated and settled in a new routine? I am definitely not one of those new year "go-getters" who start their resolutions exactly on the 1st. To be honest, I made my goals AFTER new years day! There just was zero time for me to sit and really think about what I wanted to accomplish this year with all of the holidays and traveling and parties going on. I wanted this years goals to be specific and mindful. I didn't want to make any of them generic. They had to be impactful.

Making goals is kind of an amazing thing for people to do if you think about it. No one is making you set goals for yourself. This is simply a choice you are making to better yourself and to see what you are made of. I think it is a great way of practicing self love, too! I love hearing what goals others have set for themselves, so if you'd like, please share! When I did my goals, I used a technique, if you will, that Jeremy uses when he makes his goals. He has all of these categories, and makes goals for each one. I tweaked my categories a bit, but they look like this: Family/Relationships, Health, Spirituality, Real Estate, Blogging, and Home. Of course, you choose what is relevant in your life. When I was at college, I had to take a time management course, and in that class we learned how to make SMART goals. I knew what SMART goals were before that, but I loved how we dove deeper into each part and how to break down each goal. It really is a great way to set goals, because honestly we all could say "drink more water" as a goal, but that has no specifics to it.

So with my goals this year, I combined Jeremy's technique as well as the SMART system. They are now ready to share with the world! These are specific to me and my life and what I feel I need to focus on in 2018. Here we go!


-Do something for Jeremy each day that is part of his love language (quality time, physical touch, acts of service)

-Date night with Jeremy once a week

-Call each of my parents once a week

-Text/call my siblings at least once a week

-Text/call my closest friends at least once a week


-Practice my Yoga video Monday, Wednesday, Friday in the mornings

-Drink at least 3 Blender Bottles of water every day

-Eat breakfast every morning (oatmeal, protein smoothie, egg +avocado)

-Make it to the gym at least 4 times a week (2x's cardio, 4x's weight training)

-Lotion up after every shower

-Floss every night before bed

-Wake up before 7am every morning

-Watch a new documentary once a month

-Get Pregnant!


-Church at least 2x's a week

-Daily devotionals during breakfast

-Praying every night before bed with Jeremy

-Write in my 52 Lists journal every week

Real Estate:

-Sell 35 homes

-List at least 10 homes


-Post 2-3 blog posts weekly

-Post on Instagram daily

-Dive deeper into my posts and share more of my life and get personal and real

-Do at least 5 collaborations by the end of the year

-Become part of LiketoKnowIt by the end of the year


-Fold/Hang up clothes after wearing

-Laundry every Sunday to start fresh

-Dishes every day so the sink is clean and empty

-Wall flowers in every room so the house smells fresh and clean

-Vacuum and wipe down counters every night

There are my goals! Out in the open for all of you to hold me accountable ;) I was going to add a "Hobbies" category as well, but honestly I think I'll do another post talking about my 2018 Bucket List instead :) I think that would be more fun anyways. I hope this was able to possibly help you guys out if you are stuck making your own goals. But just keep in mind, no matter how you make them, you are at least MAKING goals. Setting the initial intention of completing a new task. So that in it of itself is already a great step :) GOOD JOB!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday, and thank you for those who read my post and follow along. It truly means so much!



© Beyond-The-Blonde | Est. 2017
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