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Change Of The Seasons

Hi friends! Today's blog post is a little different than what I normally share, but I treat this blog as my journal and like to keep it real with all of you. So I figured I would share what has been on my mind lately :) I also know that what I am experiencing I'm sure a TON of other people are, so I might as well put it out there and see if I can shed some light for those who might be in a period of confusion. Also I figured I might get some helpful feedback and tips from others :)

I am going to be talking all about the change of seasons. The changing of the seasons is such a therapeutic feeling for me. Especially in the Fall. I like to think of Fall as my "reflection period." My life starts to slow down, I get back into a normal routine and I just feel more in tune with myself. Summer is always so hectic for me, especially with work. So when the leaves start to change and the mornings get a little crisper, I can start to feel myself wind down and ease back into who I am.

Recently, I've been listening to a lot of podcasts when I'm getting ready in the mornings and in the car. One that I have been loving lately is The Proverbs 31 Ministries podcast. It is a ministry for all kinds of women in any season in life (which is what they mention quite a bit), so it is a great podcast that is easy to relate to. One episode that really spoke to me was called, "There's Always A Meanwhile" and it focused on forgiveness and being able to let go and let God take you to a new season. Because if you can't forgive or let go of whatever you are holding on to, then you won't be able to move forward to what's next to come.

This was the perfect episode for me to hear because it just so happened to be the first day of Fall. What great timing, right? Anyways, it got me thinking about how when the seasons change, we ourselves start to feel a change. They mention how God announces the seasons changing in nature, with the leaves changing color, the temperature gets colder, etc. But in our own lives and when we are needing a change, it might not be as obvious.

One thing I know that I have been holding on to and not quite ready to let go of, is my freedom of not having any children. And for those who know me know that this has been something on my heart and mind for a whiiiiile lol. I can't tell you how many times on our cruise that people told us to "wait as long as we can" to have kids lol. And for someone who is as indecisive on things as I am, this comment does not help me! I know that it is up to me and whenever I want to try I can, but I truly do not think this is a decision for me to be in control of haha. I have been praying and asking God to just let me know when the right time for me will be. Because, like I said, I am indecisive. I can go back and forth on the pros and cons and weigh out all the options and scenarios all day long, folks lol.

Anyways! That is kind of where I am with that whole subject. But one thing that I loved that they mentioned in this podcast was that God is developing you. They focused on the "i-n-g" part and how He has meant for it to be a verb, and how He is always working on you. I took note of that, especially with where I am in my life right now and how I am feeling reflective. That even though I might still be torn on my decision of when to get pregnant, that God is still developING me, even in this time of confusion. And how that this new change of season in nature is my period of reflection, could lead me to my recognition of something I need to release in order to take on whats next in the upcoming change of season in my life.

Do any of you feel like you are stuck in a season and need to release or let go of something in order to move on to the next? Maybe it's a breakup you went through. Or a new job. Or a move. Maybe it's the same situation as me with the indecision of when to get pregnant. Whatever it is, I'd love to hear what you are going through :)

Hope you guys are having a wonderful Wednesday and be sure to check out The Proverbs 31 Ministries podcast. Until next time!



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