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2019 Goals

Updated: Sep 20, 2019

Happy New Year! I hope you all ended 2018 with a bang and surrounded by loved ones! We had our usual NYE get together at our house and just hung out, played games and ate lots of yummy food. We had some friends come over that we hadn't seen in a while, so it was nice to get caught up and see each other again :)

If you haven't noticed, I kind of took a blogging/Instagram posting break this past month. I wasn't really feeling like posting anything and it felt good to take a little break from it all, especially with the holidays. It can stress me out a bit if I don't keep up with my posts or check Instagram, and I wasn't liking that one bit. Something like social media shouldn't dictate how my day goes! Blogging and Instagram are a lot of fun, but they aren't my #1 priority in life. Family, friends and myself are my #1 priorities, so thats what I decided to focus on :) Which ended up being so amazing, because I got to witness my nephew be born and come into this world! So incredible and was an experience I'll never forget :)

Sometimes its nice to take a break from it all, that way you don't get stressed out or burnt out, and you can come back feeling refreshed and inspired all over again. I'm excited to get back in the swing of things again and keep in mind why I started blogging and put that first. Last night I decided to sit down and write out my goals I'd like to accomplish for this fantastic new year that is ahead of me. Before I started, I went back through my 2018 goals that I had made and checked off all the ones that I had accomplished. Surprisingly I accomplished more than I thought. Definitely didn't accomplish all of them (if you didn't see my 2018 goals post from last year, you can check it out here), because I kind of made a lot, haha. But I am proud of the ones I did accomplish!

Anyways, so I went through each goal that I didn't quite get to check off and picked a few to add to my list for this year. If at first you don't succeed, try again, right? :) I love a new year. Technically it is just another day, but I love the feeling it brings me. I feel rejuvenated and like a brand new person with a clean slate. I'd love to hear some of your goals that you have set for yourself this year! Feel free to share some with me :)

But in the meantime, here are my 2019 Goals!

Here's to crushing our goals and an exciting new year ahead of us!



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