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Life Update!


It has been a hot minute since I've made a post on here! I'm slowly crawling out of my pandemic/winter hibernation and showing my face around here again, haha. What an insane, crazy, upside down past year we all have had, am I right? I know we've all said it before but like what in the world...who would've guessed we would all go through something like 2020?! I won't miss it, that's for sure!

I don't know if its the nice weather that we've been having or if we are actually inching closer to getting back to "normal" again, but I feel like I can somewhat breathe a breath of fresh air again and feel a little pep in my step! I'm hoping it's a combination of both!! Fingers crossed.

I wanted to share an update on what's been going on with us and my picture is bound to give it all away ;) WE ARE PREGNANT! I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with a baby girl on the way! We found out back in October and announced to the world right before Christmas :) We had been trying for about two months I'd say, so it happened really fast for us! The planner in me thought "oh how perfect, I'll be barely pregnant when basketball season starts, so coaching won't be too bad!" Obviously those plans have changed, (thanks COVID!). IF we have a season I'll be in month 7 and will have a literal basketball sized belly LOL! Gonna go with the flow and may have to do a little more sitting than standing on the sidelines, but hey I'lll make it work ;)

We had our anatomy scan on February 8th and on that same day did a small little gender reveal with our parents up at our property where we are building. It wasn't the gender reveal party I had hoped for, but it ended up being just as special and exciting! We bought little twist poppers that I had the ultrasound tech mark for us. It was windy and freeeeezing! Jeremy popped his first (I wasn't strong enough for mine, lol) and the wind took the confetti so fast I barely got a look at the color! I had to basically ask him what color it was, lol. I gave him my popper and he did it again for me to get a better look at sure enough it was PINK!

I had zero inklings about what I was having up until that day, for some reason I just thought it was going to be a boy. I was "expecting" to see blue. We both were wanting a girl first (if we could choose lol), so when pink came out we were honestly shocked but soooo excited! :) Jeremy is going to make the sweetest girl dad and I am ready for alllll the outfits!

Our due date is July 4th! I'm not getting my hopes up that she will come on her due date exactly, but how cool of a birthday would that be? :) I've had a fairly easy pregnancy so far thank goodness! Never really struggled with any morning sickness except for twice, but pretty sure it was because I waited too long to eat breakfast. The only symptom I'd say I experienced somewhat consistency was headaches :/ those were no fun at all. Put me out of commission on a few days. I tell people I am the most boring pregnant person because I have no weird/strong cravings, no food aversions, nothing! Lol, there was a course of about 2 weeks where apples just sounded amazing and I would eat about 2 a day, haha but thats about as far as it got.

This week is the week I'd say the bump has officially made its appearance lol. I ordered a few fun spring dresses that I can't wait to arrive because I literally have no jeans anymore that are comfortable enough and leggings just aren't cutting it for me anymore. I think that is about it as far as a pregnancy update goes! We are still on the hunt for a name. I feel like we may never find a name, lol it is SO HARD! We had a boy name that we liked already picked out, but girl names just aren't popping out to us. So if you have any fun, unique but not too crazy girl name suggestions, send them my way! :)

Another fun thing we have going on in our lives right now is that building our home has officially begun! AHHHH!!! We broke ground about a month or so ago and started the framing process last week! The plan is to be all dried in and framed up in about 3 weeks (roughly). Building with the county has been a process, lets just leave it at that, lol. Definitely not like building a home in the city. Way more inspections, rules, etc. It's been annoying.

As much as I'd love for us to be in the house before baby girl arrives (still holding out hope!!), I'm just so happy that the process has actually begun and we can see the progress with our own eyes. It's been a long time coming so I'm grateful to even be in this position right now :) We literally talk about it every day how we can't wait to get into our house, lol. We day dream a lot. It is going to be so so so amazing. I can't wait to have it be ours, have a place for everything, host parties and holidays, raise our baby girl there...ah! It's just going to be so amazing. It is all in God's hand and timeline for us! Once the house actually starts to look like a house I'll do a blog post with a more in depth update :) If you could all just keep our build in your prayers and that things continue on that'd be so appreciated!

Obviously due to COVID our basketball season has been pushed to start in May, and that still isn't a for sure thing. We've done what we can, but its been frustrating to lose that whole year of progress. We did A LOT last year to get the program going, youth AAU started, etc. Just praying that things continue the way they are trending now and we can get back into the gym!

Thats about it I think! Our past year probably looked a lot like yours...doing a whole lot of nothin' lol. I'm hopeful though that we are getting into the clear. I hope you all have made it through this difficult year with some good memories though! I know the days weren't always easy, but there is definitely some good that still came out of 2020.

So good to catch you all up and I hope to show my face a little bit more! I'm excited to share more about my pregnancy, bump outfits, house updates, the puppies, etc!

Today is Jeremy's 39th birthday so I am taking my baby daddy out to dinner to celebrate! ;) Talk to you all soon and have a fantastic rest of your week!

dress: lulu's taupe bodycon dress

shoes: nordstrom OluKai 'Pehuea' slip-on sneaker




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